I'm Said

Freelance Full Stack Developer

Hi, I'm a Fullstack Developer specializing in building modern, scalable web applications with React, Node.js, and TypeScript. Let's create something amazing together.



Fullstack Developer

Ivostud GmbH

june 2024 -

Developing an application for the user interface of automation systems in the automotive sector, allowing users to control the systems and visualize data effectively.

Zusammenarbeit mit funktionsübergreifenden Teams, um das Feedback der Benutzer in die Anwendung zu integrieren und die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Funktionalität zu verbessern.

Durchführung gründlicher Tests der Anwendung auf verschiedenen Plattformen, um Zuverlässigkeit und Leistung zu gewährleisten.

Some Things I’ve Built

Football Knowledge

Football Knowledge

Football Knowledge is a web application developed with Next.js, utilizing the App Router feature, styled with ShadcnUI, and managed with React Query for efficient data fetching from an external API. The app is designed to engage football fans by testing their knowledge through two interactive games: GuessPlayer and WhoAreYa.

NextJsShadcn UiReact QueryTailwind framer-motion
Gatsby Project

Gatsby Project

The Simply-Recipes was developed using Gatsby, a fast and powerful framework for developing React-based web applications. The app is easy to use and offers an intuitive interface that allows users to quickly and easily search for new recipes.

Simplify Project

Simplify Project

Simplify is a web application for managing project and employee management tasks. Simplify is built on the powerful MERN stack and takes advantage of the versatility and reliability of MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS technologies to provide a seamless user experience.

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